Wednesday, February 16, 2011

4 month check-up

Cupcake had her four-month check-up yesterday, even though she turned 4 months over  a week ago.  Hey, if they don't care, I don't care either.

I remember the first couple of well-visits.  We had just gotten the MCADD diagnosis, and I would freak out if she was ok.  Was she gaining enough weight?  Was she getting sick?  How would she react to the vaccines?  Would the MCADD cause her motor developmental problems?  Turns out the doctors at Mt Sinai were right, if this disorder is diagnosed on time and appropriate preventative care is taken, Cupcake can develop normally, as any other child.

So, at four months Cupcake is still on the 101% for height.  How is that mathematically possible, I wonder?   On the other hand, she's only at 85% for weight, which means she's a bit of a long baby.    I can dig that.  Except when clothes start being too short for her, and then it gets annoying.

She's doing good, and gaining weight at a good pace.  And finally, her weight gaining pace has slowed down.  I was worried that the way things were, she was going to end up weighing 17 lbs, but no, she's still at a little below 16 lbs.   I'm fine with having a large or small baby, I mean, that's just the way she is, but I have to say that a big baby is exhausting on the arms.

She also got her next set of shot, and this time it was much easier than previous times.  She was fine for most of the day, and only got fussy by late afternoon.  I was feeling sick (sympathy symptoms?) so my mom, who was visiting for a few days, took care of Cupcake the whole afternoon.  She still needed one dose of Tylenol, but it was nothing compared to her 2 month shots.  I think I still have PTSD from that day.


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